Friday, September 30, 2011


30th-The Moon blasts into Sagittarius this evening at 9:43 PM! Moon in Sag is a blast-optimistic, swift, fresh & good at seeing the future! It can also be impulsive & accident prone so please don't push your luck too far. The Moon is trining the planet of genius (Uranus) tonight & tomorrow.

Oct. 1st-The Moon will be in lucky Sag all day! Your intuition is on & you are good at opening your mind to new good & able to learn a lot of information easily! Health is good & travel could be a lot of fun too!

Best Wishes!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Thursday, September 29, 2011


30th-The Moon is in Scorpio all day! The Moon will trine the asteroid Ceres. This trine is super loving and is healing! You are able to nurture yourself & others. This trine is also great for dissolving guilt and finding peace of mind! The Moon will be squaring Neptune as well.

This square accentuates the love nature & can lead to the in love with love dynamic. There is also the possibility of deception from a contractual point of view. Good to double check the facts. This square can be guilt inducing so it's important to make sure others are being fair.

Both of these dynamics are loving and great for artistic pursuits. You will want to be sure to keep your wits about you & stay down to earth. Could be a fun day for water sports, dancing, writing & spiritual practice!

Have a great day!
Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


For Thur. today the Moon is in Scorpio & it is opposite Jupiter the planet of big $ & fun! The opportunities today will be exaggerated & you may feel on top of the world! Your emotions are powerful, positive & sensual. You may feel like indulging some today!

The Moon will also be in good aspect to Pluto giving you the ability to problem solve, get deep insights into your emotions & truly heal! Jupiter opposite Moon is good for that too!

I hope you have a good day of finding your power & emotional well being!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


For the 28th: The Moon will be in the fresh, light hearted sign of Libra until 9:06 PM Pacific Daylight. Then at 9:06 the Moon will go into the powerful & intense sign of Scorpio!

Moon in Libra is good at talent development, unifying people to get things done & prosperity that is pleasant!

I hope you have a great day!

Ann Combs

Sunday, September 25, 2011


The new Moon will be Tue; the 27th at 4:10 AM; Pacific Daylight Time. This is a great day to start some new good in your life. There will be 5 planets in Libra the beautiful! These are the Sun (conscious self,) the Moon (home & emotions,) Mercury (smarts, communication & short trips,) Venus (what you would like to receive in terms of love, sex & nurture,) & Saturn (clarity, validation, responsibility, rewards.) Admetos a trans Neptunian ice planet will be part of a grand trine giving benefits to those who find their voice & focus on what they want!

This new Moon is good for both love & money, recharging your self esteem, humanitarian efforts, dancing, socializing and to think about what you really want in life for yourself & others!

I'm on my second printing of my book ASTROLOGY AND YOUR LUCKY STAR! A special thank you to everyone who has made it a success!
Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Friday, September 23, 2011



SAT; we kick it off with Sun in Libra & Moon in Leo! This is a spiritual, idealistic & romantic combo! Love's flame burns brightly! You may be feeling a little on the "later" side of work-this is a good day for acting, music, dancing or sports! You can also prosper doing something you like! Your creative juices are flowing! :D The Moon changes signs and goes into Virgo at 9:50 Pacific Daylight.

SUN; today the Moon is in I know how to fix it or improve it Virgo. You are good at putting your talents into practical form. You may have shy feelings surface. If you are negotiating a contract today beware of undercharging or getting a lame deal from someone. Your efforts are easily multitalented and you are good at networking & enjoying harmony with others today! The Moon will be in Virgo through Mon. night. :D

Best Star light!
Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


22nd, Thur. The Moon will be in Cancer in the morning & afternoon. It will be in good aspect to the Sun giving you much in the way of harmony, opportunity & creativity! You enjoy making your relationships with your loved ones special. These rays are loving & nurturing & this extends to you nurturing yourself & your inner wealth! The Moon will change into the passionate sign of Leo at 6:56 PM.

Moon in Leo is sunny, loving & theatrical. Hopefully it will be fun. Moon in Leo marks a time when others may be creative or they may want a lot of attention. Jealousy may flare. This Moon is the do what you love & the money will follow energy. If you need to take charge & make this a good Moon this may be a good way to go. Also great for stage craft, dancing & making the world a better place for cats! :D

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Fall Equinox

The Equinox starts at 2:06 AM the 23rd, Fri. This is a major turning point astrologically! The first 6 signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo & Virgo) are introspective & their strong suit is inner wealth & having a lot to give others. The first 6 signs can be subjective. When the Sun goes into Libra we are all bathed in an energy that is extroverted, objective & whose strong suit is outer wealth. For a few days we will be in a sweet spot of the blending of introspective and extroverted energies. There is also a blending of talent in the inner as well as outer wealth departments of life!

Libra is all about the adult one to one relationship & whether or not is is fair, pleasant & meets your needs! :D

Have a great day!
Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


for Sept. 21st-Today the Moon will be in the nurturing sign of Cancer! You are naturally in touch with your deepest feelings & deepest needs. The Moon will be in good aspect to moneybags Jupiter & can be a day of healing for emotions, mind & pocketbook! The Moon will square Saturn which can create tension between your personal needs & those of a business or romantic partner. The Moon will be squaring Venus which is good for getting you in touch with the difference between want & need. Moon in Cancer is good for business dealings & enjoying your loved ones!

If you enjoy this blog please tell your friends! Thanks!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Monday, September 19, 2011


Tue; Sept. 20th-the Moon starts off in fresh & versatile Gemini. The Moon will square the Sun making for the possibility of exaggeration & complication in communication. Can also give some worry & clash. The Moon will be trining Neptune giving very good luck & flow.
Your inner & outer emotions are in harmony. Promotes a love of water & travel. Also promotes harmony with women. The Moon will also be opposite Galactic Center making it a day of huge possibilities & vast perception! The Moon will change signs & go into Cancer at 11:55 AM-Pacific Daylight. Your emotions are deep & you are ready to nurture!

Have a great day!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Mon; Sept. 19th the Moon will be in Gemini! The Moon will be trining Saturn bringing calmness, clarity & wisdom to your emotions! Can be great for those of you who have home based businesses! Can also be a time of reaping good karma! Moon in Gemini is versatile, swift & promotes the ability to multitask! Moon in Gemini is intellectual & you may want to make sure you are connecting to your emotions. Your perception is deep, intuition is popping!

Have a great day!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Friday, September 16, 2011


Sat. the Moon will be in Taurus trining the Sun! This is good for both inner & outer wealth! It is also lucky for both home life & career! Your emotions & thoughts are in a great relationship to each other & life is all right!

Sunday-the Moon goes into Gemini & with the Sun in Virgo you are able to make connections & find inspiration & peace of mind. Both energies can be a little worried so it's important to stay positive. The Moon will sextile Uranus which is good for intuition, surprises & making friends!

Have a good weekend!
Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Friday-the Moon is still in contented & sensual Taurus and the Sun is in peaceful Virgo.

The Sun has started to oppose Uranus. The personal fire of the Sun is opposite the group endeavor energy & this can be good for surprises, lightning fast changes, and promote literary, singing or tech talent! You may see a friend or relative out of the blue! Lasts through Oct. 5th! Can also be swift but unstable. Taking a deep breath & staying detached is a good idea. Intuition may be on fire-good to keep your head in the clouds but keep your feet on the ground!

Here's to happy surprises!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


THURSDAY-the Moon starts off in Aries! It will be changing into the sign of Taurus at 12:26 PM. In the morning the Moon will be aligning favorably with the Center of the Galaxy known as the Galactic Center! Your emotions will be opened to the vast possibilities of being centered, at peace & going beyond what you are used to! Pretty amazing!

As the day progresses another favorable alignment occurs-the Moon will be trine Pluto! This is good for feeling connected to your soul mate & getting your needs met! On another level this is also good for prosperity! The Moon will also be joining forces with Jupiter which is pretty cool! Moon + Jupiter is good for inner & outer joy. It is also great for happy surprises including getting a break financially or money you weren't expecting! The Moon will also be joining with Jupiter tomorrow morning! Last but not least this combo is good at predicting the future!

Have a GREAT day!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Monday, September 12, 2011


Tuesday-the Moon went into Aries at 11:50 Mon. night Pacific Daylight Time. It will be in Aries all today. It will be joining forces with Uranus making for dazzling intuition & a wish for new starts. It is a great day for exercise and your intuition is very strong in your head & stomach.

The Moon will be in Aries all day Wednesday as well. Moon in Aries is brave, good at taking charge and is a time when you can free yourself of any baggage. The action of fire is to burn away the dross & liberate the spirit. Your inner wealth level is high both of these days! :D

Best Thoughts!
Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

If you are new to my blog there are a few videos on youtube at AnnCombs1

Friday, September 9, 2011


Saturday the Moon starts off in smart and intuitive Aquarius and will be transitioning into sweet and soothing Pisces! In combination with the Virgo Sun your artistic and humanitarian projects are brilliant and you can accomplish the big things!

The full Moon is coming and will be Mon; at 2:28 AM.

You may feel the exhilaration or tension of it over the weekend.

Mon; there may be communication break downs and it could be a day when health concerns are a worry. Music, dance or communicating with loved ones can do a lot for your health and peace of mind.

On the plus side there can be healing, positive connections and balance!

(206) 286-1944

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Sept. 8th The Moon will be in lightning fast Aquarius starting at 2:33 AM. This Moon is friendly, kind and soooo smart. Did I mention intuitive too? Virgo is also intuitive and this combination is super smart! Virgo is earthy and practical and Aquarius is the healing consciousness. You can make your ideals real today!

Sept. 9th The Moon will still be in fun loving Aquarius and the Sun in Virgo.

Have a great day and there may be some positive surprises both days from out of the blue!


There's an article about me at click on the arts & entertainment link and enjoy!

Monday, September 5, 2011


Tuesday the Moon will be in Capricorn and joining energies with Pluto in the morning. This is great for feeling your connection with your soul mate and the things that really matter in life. The Moon will form a grand trine with the Sun and Jupiter too! This is good for anything from emotional healing to travel to new starts and having good luck financially. The grand trine has all 3 sides like a triangle and is stable as well because of this!

Wed. the Moon will still be in Capricorn all day giving clarity, spirituality and sound judgement. Jupiter will still be trine Pluto making for good luck financially as well as wonderful opportunities and good luck with your soul mate! :D

I hope you are having a wonderful September!

Ann Combs
(206) 286-1944

Thursday, September 1, 2011


FRIDAY THE 2ND-Today the Sun, Pluto and Jupiter are making the ultra lucky grand trine all day! Earth signs are calming and good at building.

Taurus is good for building security, Virgo-job security, health; Capricorn-the spiritual and material accomplishments together. There will be a planet in each of the earth signs accentuating that type of luck. There is a lot of good luck to choose from!

The Sun in Virgo is good at solving problems and this extends to everyone this time of year. The Moon will be in Scorpio all day and Scorpio is good at solving emotional and spiritual problems.

In summary-good luck in all things earth and problem solving ability is very strong!

Have a great weekend!


Saturday-today the Moon is in the passionate sign of Scorpio until 2:05 PM then will go into the fun loving and wild sign of Sagittarius!

When the Moon's in Scorpio you can get to the bottom of anything and solve problems! It is also a time of being connected to your feelings. Your perception level is very high!

When in Sag travel and expanding your thoughts are on the menu! You are able to get in touch with your joy, harmony and glimpse the future!



Sunday the 4th the Moon is in the fun sign of Sagittarius all day! This is a partying Moon so if you are on the road be careful of those that have had too much to drink.