Monday, February 24, 2014
Moon in Capricorn
25th: Today the Moon is in powerful Capricorn. The Moon is busy squaring Uranus and opposite Jupiter. This means it's a high energy day and you can get a lot done!!!!!!!!!! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Moon in Capricorn!
24th: Today the Moon will be in serious Capricorn and your thinking will gain clarity! The Moon is in a great relationship to both the Sun and Neptune giving large opportunities to grasp! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Saturday, February 22, 2014
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius
23: Today the Sun and Moon will both be in harmonious, adaptive signs. These signs always have a lot of options and a lot of decisions. Their strong suit is hearing and finding peace of mind! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Friday, February 21, 2014
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Sagittarius!
22: Today the Moon will be in fire and squaring the Sun and Neptune. There can be some confusion in connection with career and it's a good idea to double check all the facts. You can certainly feel the power of love today. If your self expression requires some fantasy such as writing stories, writing music, creating art this square could be right for you! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio
21st: Today the Moon will be joining energies with clear as a bell Saturn. Hopefully that will be a good thing! The Sun and Jupiter are still doing the lucky dance and that is always nice! There are lots of interactions with Venus making this a great day to prosper and smell the roses too! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Sun in Pisces, Moon in Scorpio!
20: The Sun, Neptune, Moon and Jupiter will all be part of a wonderful grand trine! Deep yet happy emotions are strong! This is a good day for positive completion! Relationships are highlighted and you can feel the joy of love today! Ann (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Sun in Pisces!
19th-The Sun is in the largest sign of them all Pisces! This is a great time to expand your world and to finish things! It's also a lovely time to enjoy the ocean or the tropics! You may enjoy taking a vacation or just having some time to do your own thinking! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, February 17, 2014
Moon in Libra
18th: The Moon will be in cheerful Libra all day. This is a high energy day and you can find your happiness! There's a square to the Moon from Jupiter, Pluto and Venus-sizzle! And Uranus is opposite creating sparks, electricity and thrills! Have a great day! Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, February 16, 2014
Moon in Virgo and Libra!
17th-Today the Moon will be in signs that are naturally good at relationships! Virgo is good at nurture and that includes animals. Libra is about business and romantic partners. Both have good flow. The Sun is in Aquarius and joining energies with two other planets adding to the momentum! There's a good mix of freewill and destiny today! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Moon in Virgo
For Sunday: Today the Moon will be in busy Virgo. Your level of intuition is high! The Moon is in good aspect to Venus and Pluto creating enjoyable interactions with those you have deep connections with. Both Aquarius and Virgo are humanitarian energies and today it's natural to make the world a better place! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, February 13, 2014
The Full Moon!
THE FULL MOON: Fri; Feb. 14th 3:54 p.m. This full Moon is about wishes, idealism & love. There can be a renewed positive chemistry or there may be power struggles. Full Moons can be stressful and this is a day not to overdo it physically. It is a good day to rest and let the love blossom. Your creativity is high and you may have some new ideas on how to make your future brighter. Projects may come to fruition as well. Impasses can be broken up on the full Moon, too! This one may cause jealousy at the subconscious level. It is a good day to remind your special someone that they are more than just a friend! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
The Full Moon
Wed: The full Moon is Friday here on the West Coast. The Moon is growing fuller and that is always considered lucky. For today the Moon will be in Cancer then transition into fiery Leo. Both signs are loving and romantic! Have a great day! Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, February 10, 2014
Moon in Cancer!
11th: Today the Moon will be in cheery Cancer all day! The Moon will join forces with Jupiter in the morning and that is always fun! There's a nice trine from Saturn giving stability and harmony. The Sun is squaring Saturn encouraging us to go forward! Mars is in Libra and making a trine to the Sun and that is good for instinct and lots of energy. Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Moon in Cancer!
Monday: Today the Moon will be in the nurturing sign of Cancer all day! The Moon is joining energies with fortunate Jupiter and this is good for travel. You can also enjoy spending quality time with those you have the deepest connections with! Have a great day! :D Ann
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Moon in Gemini
Sunday: The Moon will be part of a lucky grand trine! The Sun, Moon and Mars are all in air and the air element is swift! Much good can happen today! The Moon goes into nurturing Cancer late in the evening. Have a great day! :D Ann
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Moon in Taurus and Gemini!
Fri: Today you have the best of two worlds. The Sun is in Aquarius and that is objective. The Moon is in deep signs and is subjective. All are take charge signs! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Moon in Taurus!
Thursday: The lucky stars are very active today and that is always nice........The Moon will be in sweet Taurus too! Jupiter is in Cancer and this is good for the deepest happiness! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Mercury Retrograde
Mercury is going retrograde and this can make things more complicated. Or at least seem that way. During the retrograde you can get a different point of view. It can also be a time of review and learning how to make communication, travel and business better. There may be complications in connection with travel or contracts so double checking the facts can be a very good idea! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, February 3, 2014
Moon in Aries!
Tuesday: The Moon will be in fire today creating optimism and positivity! You can go forward confidently! The Moon is opposite Mars and that is brilliant but blunt so easy does it! The Moon is in good aspect to the center of our galaxy and that is always nice. It also gives extra energy and extra good luck! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, February 2, 2014
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Aries!
Monday: The Sun and Moon will be in the positive signs! The Sun is in air and the Moon is in fire. Today good things can happen quickly. Expect positive surprises out of the blue! Be especially careful with stunts as this combination can be accident prone. Otherwise buckle up and enjoy! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Pisces
For Sunday: Today the Sun will be in idealistic Aquarius and you can rocket ahead with your plans! Today there may be a positive surprise too! The Moon will be in trusting Pisces and Aries so it's good to only confide in those you know you can trust. This is a take charge kind of day! Have a good one! :D Ann
Friday, January 31, 2014
Moon in Pisces, Saturn in Scorpio!
Saturday: Today your feelings are deep and expansive. Saturn in Scorpio is good for repairing your relationships and enjoying your connections with those you will love forever! The Moon is paired up with Neptune the planet of bliss and this is good for enjoying life and the water. There can also be deception so be cautious unless you know-. Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Moon in Aquarius and Pisces!
Friday: Today the Moon is in the two largest signs of the zodiac. Your humanitarian endeavors can blossom and become complete over the next few days. There is also considerable talent in many different areas! This is a dream big or forget it kind of day! Yay! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
The New Moon in Aquarius!
THE NEW MOON: Thursday, Jan. 30th 1:40 p.m. This is a great day for new beginnings! The Sun and Moon are joining energies giving a unity with both thought (the Sun) and emotion (the Moon) as well a unity with the inner world (the Moon) and the outer world (the Sun!) The Sun is making the lucky sextile to Uranus and this is great for having the ideas that heal your life! There is also a jolly good square with Jupiter to Uranus that makes for optimism and fun! There is also a sizzling square with Venus and Uranus. Your creativity level is high and your power level is even higher! Your freewill is strong today and if there is something you need to make happen your will power is up to the job! With the Sun and Moon in air you can expect a refreshing swiftness today and get a lot of good things started! Aquarian energy promotes getting rewarded for work that you have done so expect to reap good for your efforts today and to receive for past good works too! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn!
For Tuesday: Today the Sun and Moon are in signs that have to do with getting rewards for your work! Both signs are also good at doing "the big things" in life! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Moon in Sagittarus and Capricorn
Monday: The Moon will be in the two highest profile signs today. This is a good day to shine and think big! The Sun is in intuitive Aquarius giving swiftness and big ideas! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Friday, January 24, 2014
Moon and Saturn in Scorpio!
25th: Today the Moon and Saturn join forces making for a very powerful day! You can feel your connection to those who will be in your life forever! This is a day of rewards too. There may be a larger surprise than expected! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Scorpio!
24th-Today the Sun is in super smart Aquarius and squaring the Moon creating tension and excitement. You may find new insight into what's important to you or your future! And that is always nice! The Moon is in good aspect to both lucky stars and that is especially fortunate on a Friday! Have a good weekend! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Moon in Libra and Scorpio!
23rd: Today the Moon is in signs that are relationship oriented. There is also a synchronicity with destiny! The Moon is in good aspect to Neptune and that is always nice! The Moon is also joining energies with Vesta and you can enjoy your own creativity! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
Moon in Loving Libra!
Wed; Love is in the air with the Moon in Libra. There can be healing insights from out of the blue with both the Sun and Mercury in the electrical and genius level mentality of Aquarius! Today is swift and the arts, music, dance, clothing design and partying are in the air! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, January 20, 2014
Moon in Virgo and Libra
21st: Today the Moon will be in signs that are very talented in writing, art, music and design. There is a lucky trine to the Sun giving good fortune with just about anything! Surprises that are happy can happen from out of the blue! Yay!(206) 286-1944
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Sun in Aquarius!
20th-The Sun is in the swift and humane sign of Aquarius! This is the time to wish big and take steps toward your happiness! Your intuition is electrified and you can fly ahead! You may find new friends and enjoy making music too. Have a fun day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Sun in Capricorn, Mercury in Aquarius!
19th: The smart Sun in Capricorn will be joining energies with Mercury in super smart Aquarius! This is a day when you can give your thoughts expression and it can be amazing and brilliant! You have the best of two worlds-stable Capricorn and instinctive Aquarius. Today is the day to think big! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Friday, January 17, 2014
Moon in Leo and Virgo!
For Saturday: Today the Moon will be in deep signs that are self reliant. Saturn the planet of karma will be in Scorpio giving clarity in your relationships and serendipity! Today there is a nice mix of freewill and destiny! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 16, 2014
Moon in Leo!
17th: Today the Moon will be in happy Leo all day! You can find your leadership ability and express your creativity positively too! Venus is in Capricorn and in good aspect to Saturn and that is always nice giving love and loyalty! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Moon in Leo!
For Thursday the 16th: Today the Moon will be in Cancer and Leo and both these signs are about love! The Moon will be in good aspect to Uranus and that is good for enjoying home and your friends. Jupiter is opposite Venus giving positive feelings and the fruition of wants! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
The Full Moon!
For Wed: Full Moons can be a time of large goals coming to fruition! Impasses may be ended as well! This is a high energy full Moon and you can find your happiness. You may also get some insight as to what you think is important. There are aspects that have to do with nurture. And there's humanitarian energy as well! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, January 13, 2014
Moon in Cancer, Sun in Capricorn!
14th-a lively day is in store with lots of planets in high energy relationships! The Moon is squaring Uranus and there may be surprise or two today! The Moon is opposite Pluto which can also give surprises. The Moon is also joining up with Jupiter and that is always nice for feeling good! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Moon in Gemini and Cancer!
13th: Today the Moon will be in the two deepest signs of the zodiac. You are able to get in touch with your deepest thoughts! The Moon will be opposite the center of our galaxy enabling you to do something amazing! There is also a fine sextile to Neptune and that is good for writing and being creative! Have a great day! :D Ann (286-1944) PS The Moon is growing fuller and that is lucky!
Saturday, January 11, 2014
Sun in Capricorn, Saturn in Scorpio!
13th: Today you can bring your life in order and experience harmony as you do so. Saturn and the Sun are in a wonderful alignment and it's all so clear! The Moon will be in fresh Gemini all day and in the lucky trine to Mars giving an outlet that's constructive to your thoughts! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Friday, January 10, 2014
Moon in Gemini, Sun in Capricorn!
12th: Today the Moon will go into Gemini making it easy to think deeply and take charge of your life! The Sun is in Capricorn which is good for thinking and planning your way! Today you can communicate easily!
Saturn is in Scorpio and it's about finding your emotional truth!
The Moon is in good aspect to Mercury and Uranus and that is great for anything tech, writing and a whole lot of intuition! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Moon in Taurus!
Friday: The Moon will be in Taurus which is especially lucky on Fridays! There is also a sweet trine to both the Sun and Venus! This is great for feeling good, health, dancing, composing music, relaxing and romance!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have fun! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Taurus!
9th-What a great combination! The Sun is also joining energies with Venus the lucky star! This is a day when you can make your ideas real and enjoy doing so! Sensuality is in the air too! There's a super fortunate grand trine in earth and that is nice for stability and good sparks! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Aries and Taurus!
For Wed; The Moon will be in intuitive signs all day that are deep and good at taking charge! The Sun is part of a wave in Capricorn and will be joining energies with both Venus and Mercury! Your ability to think objectively is strong and you can plan your success! There is also artistic, promoting, musical, literary and teaching talent with this combination! Have fun! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Monday, January 6, 2014
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Aries!
For Tuesday: The sparks are flying with Moon in Aries all day! There are big squares with both Sun and Pluto giving drive and lots of energy. There may be mix-ups that cause jealousy so double check all communication and make it as clear as possible! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944 PS My books are carried by Four Winds-a fine store with great incense at 1521 Queen Anne Ave; Seattle, Wa!
Sunday, January 5, 2014
Moon in Pisces and Aries!
6th: Today the Moon will be in spiritual signs! Both are believers and trusting! The Moon will be in good aspect to Venus and this is nice for getting your needs and wants met! The Sun and Moon are in take charge signs and this is a good day to take a step toward making your dreams come true! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Saturday, January 4, 2014
Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Pisces!
For Sunday: Today the Moon will be in Pisces and in great aspect to both Jupiter and Saturn forming the grand trine in water! This is very fortunate emotionally! The Sun is part of a wave of planets in Capricorn and this gives your life quality and fineness! Have a great day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Friday, January 3, 2014
Moon in Aquarius and Neptune!
Saturday: These are the last and the largest signs of the zodiac! Your sympathies can expand and you can do the big things today! The Moon is joining energies with Neptune and that is great for travel and creativity. It can also cause deception so caution is advised with anything serious. It can also give healing and emotional bliss! Yay! Have a good day! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 2, 2014
Moon in Aquarius!
Friday the 3rd: Today the Moon will be in super bright, super smart Aquarius all day! There is a tough square to Saturn that pushes you to go forward! There is a nice trine to Mars that puts your intuition and actions into harmony with each other! Happy Friday! :D Ann (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Moon in Aquarius!
Thursday: Today the Moon flies into the smart sign of Aquarius and your mind is filled with great ideas! You may enjoy your friends and get your wishes granted as well! Jupiter is in Cancer and this is good for enjoying your connections with those you feel the deepest about. Have a great day! Ann (206) 286-1944
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