Sunday, March 15, 2015
Moon in Aquarius
For Electrical Monday! Today the Moon flies free into the smart sign of Aquarius at 3:15 A.M! This Moon is good for singing whether it's professional or not. The Moon is also in good aspect to Saturn giving stability and uniqueness too! Good can happen from out of the blue today! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!!
Ann Combs
P.S. My readings rock! (206) 286-1944
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Sun in Pisces squaring Galactic Center
FOR BEAUTIFUL, EUPHORIC SUNDAY! Today the Sun is in the sign of super consciousness and genius Pisces! You can do the big things today! The Sun is squaring the center of our galaxy too!
This gives even more possibilities! Both Pisces and the Galactic Center have a common ruler-Jupiter. Jupiter's fun and goodness are accentuated-heart happiness is here!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, March 13, 2015
Moon in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces
For Big Saturday! Today the Moon is in clear as a bell Capricorn! The Moon is making the pleasant sextile to Neptune the planet of euphoria, bliss and super consciousness giving a fine mix of practicality and spirituality!
Have a great one!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Thursday, March 12, 2015
Moon in Sagittarius, Venus in Aries
For Happy Friday! Today the Moon is in happy go lucky Sagittarius and paired with the center of our galaxy! Your emotions are aligned and powerful! Fridays are ruled by Venus.
Venus is in Aries and will be getting a lot of love from lucky trines from both the Moon and the Galactic Center! Hot love!!!!!!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Moon in Sagittarius, Jupiter in Leo
For lucky Thursday! Today the Moon will be in Sagittarius! Your relationships reach new heights and you can find your heart happiness!
Thursdays are ruled by friends for life Jupiter. The Moon and Jupiter are making the beautiful trine promoting the good times-travel, laughter and fun!
Yay! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
Mercury in Aquarius
For lively Wednesday: Today the Moon will be in sensual Scorpio until 4:31 P.M; then fly forward into lively, lucky and cheerful Sagittarius! The Moon will square Mercury making it important to be clear in communication and double check all facts twice. Mercury is in a great relationship to the center of our galaxy giving the ability to think big and feel comfortable too! Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Monday, March 9, 2015
Moon in Scorpio, Mars in Aries
For adventurous Tuesday! Today the Moon will be in powerful Scorpio all day! Tuesdays are ruled by the planet Mars. Mars is feeling strong in Aries making this a good day for making your life the way you want!!!!!!!!!!!
Have a great one!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Sunday, March 8, 2015
Moon in Scorpio, Grand Trine in Water
For Momentous Monday! The Moon goes to the next level by going into Scorpio at 6:11 A.M! The Moon is part of the super lucky Grand Trine! This occurs when planets align in 3 strategic places! The Moon will trine euphoric, superconscious Neptune!, giving the ability to express yourself and objectivity! Neptune is trining Kronos giving excellence and Kronos is trine the Moon giving you the ability to enjoy those you have the deep, loving and enduring connection with!
Yes! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Saturday, March 7, 2015
Sun in Pisces
For Shining Sunday: Today the Sun is in the loving sign of Pisces and is paired with the asteroid Chiron. Chiron is about bridging your plan, intuition and change. It's also about your inner healing power! Today you may feel your inner healing power bubble up!
The Sun is also squaring the center of our galaxy giving infinite possibilities! Have a shining day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, March 6, 2015
Saturday the 7th, Moon in Libra
For Saturday the 7th! Today the Moon will be in happy and loves the party Libra! If that wasn't enough the Moon is getting a whole lot of love from Jupiter!
The Moon is also opposite Venus, Mars and Uranus. This gives a brilliant full Moon effect! If you felt the full Moon wasn't that great today may make up for it!
Jupiter is also lending fabulous perks to Venus, Mars and Uranus giving good feelings and good times! Happy Saturday!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Thursday, March 5, 2015
March 6th, 2015
Happy Friday! Things are relaxing some after the full Moon! The Moon will be in patient Virgo until 4:53 P.M; then fly forward into Libra! This is perfect for Friday because Virgo is about work and Libra is about the party energy!
Fixing a nice bowl of popcorn and watching your fav movie, listening to fav music or dancing; are all ways to make the party happen! Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Full Moon March 5th
Full Moon Thursday! The energy is building and peaks at 10:07 A.M. This is a take charge full Moon that is about large projects and spiritual heights! The Sun is joining with Neptune the planet of super consciousness and unconditional love. It's important not to be too trusting so check your information carefully. You may have some interesting dreams. Not the best day for medical procedures. This could be a great day to enjoy the ocean, tropics, creative writing, photography and dancing. Your creativity level is high! Have Fun!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
March 4th
For Wednesday: The Moon dances into Virgo at 3:59 A.M. This is a good day for gardening, communicating and nurturing!
Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury. Mercury is direct and in Aquarius and it doesn't get any better than that! Your thoughts are intuitive and full of genius! Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Monday, March 2, 2015
March 3rd, 2015
For sassy Tuesday: Today the Moon is getting very full and will be in heart happy Leo all day! The Moon is making the lucky trine to Galactic Center! This is great for synchronicity and alignment with the big picture! Also gives emotional and spiritual alignment-yay!!!!!!!!!!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Sunday, March 1, 2015
March 2nd, 2015
For bright Monday: Today the Moon will be in sunny Leo and paired up with the FUN planet Jupiter! The good times are happening! The Moon is also getting the warm soft fuzzy from a lucky trine with Venus! You may hear from a friend from out of the blue or have some kind of good luck today! Cheers!!!!!!!!!!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Saturday, February 28, 2015
March 1st
Shining Sunday! Sundays are ruled by the Sun. Today the Sun is in Pisces and joining energies with Neptune as well as Priapus-a lucky mathematical point that is plentiful. This is a good day for large projects and spiritual practice. The Moon will be in Cancer until 3:35 P.M; then go into fiery Leo!
Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, February 27, 2015
Moon in Cancer
For Saturday: Today the Moon will be in Cancer all day and you can feel your deepest happiness! Saturdays are ruled by Saturn.
Saturn is in Sagittarius and this can indicate delays in connection with travel-sorry! Saturn is getting a lot of love from both Mars and Venus giving leadership ability and courage! Saturn is squaring the Sun shoving us forward! This is a good day for completing projects and reaping rewards!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Moon in Cancer
For Lucky Friday: The Moon will swim into the sign of the deepest happiness at 4:51 A.M. The Moon will also be opposite Galactic Center giving a full Moon effect! Your feelings are expansive!
Fridays are ruled by the lucky love star Venus! Venus is in Aries and feeling some sass from pairing up with lively Mars! Venus is getting a lot of love from good aspects from other planets. Jupiter the over the top good luck planet is making the lucky trine giving personal and financial good luck! NICE!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Moon in Gemini
For Lucky Thursday! The Moon will be in light hearted Gemini all day! Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter the planet of positive expansion and good fortune! And Jup's getting the love today. There's an alignment with the Moon that gives harmony, opportunities and original energy!
Not to be out shined Uranus the planet of friendship and illumination is making the luckiest aspect of all (the trine) to Jupiter! This gives amazing intuition and great synchronicity with the future! Good can happen from out of the blue! Have a good one!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
Moon in Gemini
For Wednesday: Today the Moon will be in the loves to communicate sign of Gemini all day. Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury the planet of learning, smarts and messages. Mercury will be in it's exaltation (in Aquarius) all day giving it most excellent energy!
Mercury is pooling intelligence by pairing with Vesta-a small planet in between Mars and Jupiter. Vesta is about nurturing your inner creative fire and is patient.
Mercury is also making the lucky trine to the Moon giving your intuition a boost and your ability to learn brilliance! FUN!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Monday, February 23, 2015
Moon in Taurus
For Tuesday: Today the Moon will be in Taurus until 8:55 P.M; then go into Gemini! Moon in Taurus is the easy Moon-low drama, simple and loving! This is cause to celebrate! Tuesdays are ruled by Mars the action planet! Mars is very happy in Aries paired with the lucky in love star Venus. Both are getting some support from a lucky trine with Saturn giving stability and rewards! Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Moon in Taurus
Mondays are ruled by the Moon. Today the Moon is in gentle Taurus all day! There is much good to sing about! There's a lucky trine to Pluto giving the ability to lovingly feel your connection to those you will love forever!
The Moon is also square goody bags Jupiter. This square is fun and builds confidence. It's a spending square so look the other way if the "temptation" is too much! Also not good for stunts so if you've going to learn cliff diving stall until the square is over. Great for feeling positive self expression! JOY!
Audiocasts are available and they rock! (206) 286-1944 * Ann Combs*
Saturday, February 21, 2015
Moon in Aries and Taurus
For Radiant, Shining Sunday: Today the Sun is in sweet Pisces and the Moon is in lively Aries for most the day. Both energies are spiritual.
At 4:29 P.M; the Moon relaxes by going into Taurus the dines, dances, enjoys music and loving sign! Nice! Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, February 20, 2015
Moon in Aries
For take charge Saturday: Today the Moon continues her stay in Aries. She will pair up with Uranus giving a charge. The Moon will also be making the lucky trine to goody bags Jupiter! Good things can happen from out of the blue! Saturdays are ruled by Saturn.
Saturn will square the Sun giving us a shove to go forward. You may have lots of harmony and choices. Saturn is making the lucky trine to Venus the love star giving stability and enduring joy! Have a great day-you can't help but have it that way!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Thursday, February 19, 2015
Moon in Pisces and Aries
For fun Friday: Today the Moon will be in sweet Pisces until 3:14 P.M; then flames into ardent Aries. Pisces is the sign of the Over Soul and the largest accomplishments. Aries is about individuality and your personal development. Both signs have lots of faith!
Fridays are ruled by Venus the love star. Venus starts out in Pisces then goes into Aries, too.
Have a great day!
Ann Combs(206) 286-1944
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Moon in Pisces
For lucky Thursday: Today both the Sun and Moon are in expansive, euphoric Pisces joining energies with Neptune the planet of great perception! Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter the planet of good fortune which is in heart happy Leo! Love is in the air! Have a good one!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
New Moon in Aquarius
For inventive Wednesday: Wednesdays are ruled by Mercury the planet of day to day smarts! Mercury is in the genius sign of Aquarius and very happy!
There is also a new Moon today that's teaming up with Neptune the planet of euphoria, super consciousness and miracles. Your intuition is alive and you know what to do! New beginnings favored! Have a blast!
Ann Combs
Monday, February 16, 2015
Moon in Aquarius Mars in Pisces
For take charge Tuesday: Tuesdays are ruled by Mars the action planet! Mars is in Pisces giving you the ability to find your calling and to do the really important things. The Moon is in Aquarius and opposite goody bags Jupiter which is a lot of fun and there may be a large, happy financial surprise today!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Sunday, February 15, 2015
For Monday-Moon in Capricorn, Aquarius
For Meaningful Monday: Today the Moon will be in spiritual Capricorn until 4:14 P.M; then fly into original Aquarius. The Moon is getting perks from Saturn giving stability, clarity and the ability to do the big things! Have a great day!
Ann Combs
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Sun in Aquarius, Moon in Capricorn
For Shining Sunday: Today the Moon is in top of the mountain Capricorn all day. The Moon joins energies with Pluto giving you the ability to feel your connection with those you will love forever! There is a nice sextile to Neptune the planet of bliss and spiritual advancement. This is good for super consciousness!
The Moon will also square Uranus giving sparks and you may have a surprise from out of nowhere. Buckle up. Be very careful with electricity and if there's a lightning storm don't take chances~
Have a great day!
Ann Combs
Friday, February 13, 2015
Moon in Sagittarius and Capricorn
For Valentine's Day! The Moon will be in fun loving Sagittarius until 2:25 P.M; then go into spiritual Capricorn. All day the Moon will be joining energies with the center of our galaxy giving an alignment with the heart of our galaxy and the big picture! Capricorn is the highest sign of them all making this a day of the highest results-quality! I hope you have the best Valentine's Day ever!
Ann Combs
Thursday, February 12, 2015
Moon in Sagittarius Jupiter in Leo
For Happy Friday! Today the Moon will be in fortunate Sagittarius all day! There is a lucky trine to Jupiter that's good for your deepest happiness. You can let go of the past and go forward easily today!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Moon in Sagittarius
For lucky Thursday! They'll be twice the good luck today with the Moon flying into Sagittarius at 8:47 A.M; Pacific time! This is because Moon in Sagittarius or Pisces is extra fortuitous on Thursdays! Today you can get your career in gear if you need to. You may be getting more attention than you think! The Sun is also favorably aligned with Galactic Center giving a lot of uniqueness, mind expansion and all around good times! Have a blast! Ann Combs
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Moon in Scorpio and Mercury Goes Direct
For sizzling Wednesday: Today the Moon continues in the sign of magnetic Scorpio all day. There's a big square to Jupiter than can create a big opportunity real or imagined. There is exaggeration today and that can be a good thing as long as you don't take it too seriously. The Moon is also square the Sun propelling you forward in your big dreams! Depending on what part of the world you live in Mercury goes direct today or tomorrow. Life is simpler now. Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Monday, February 9, 2015
Moon in Scorpio, Neptune in Pisces
Tuesday: Today the Moon is in watery Scorpio all day. There are fortunate trines to Neptune and Venus both in Pisces. Your emotions don't just feel good but are highly perceptive too! You are emotionally objective and able to get your needs and wants met! Have a great day! Ann Combs
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Moon in Libra Monday
For meaningful Monday: The romantic theme continues with the Moon in Libra most the day! The Moon is in excellent aspect to the Sun and that is good for harmony with home and career life. The Moon is also in good aspect to the center of our Galaxy! This promotes good judgement, alignment with the heart of the bigger picture and synchronicity! Today there is swiftness, objectivity and ability to secure your finances. The opportunities are pleasant so it's important to be attentive! Have a great day! The Moon transitions into spicy Scorpio at 11:07 P.M! What's next for you? Find out with my astrology reading!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Moon in Libra
For shining Sunday: Today the Moon is in airy and sensual Libra all day! There is a nice aspect to Jupiter the great benefactor. Fun day for travel even if it's only a day trip! Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, February 6, 2015
Moon in Libra
For Saturday: Happy weekend! Today the Moon will be in sweet Virgo until 10:45 A.M; Pacific Time then fly into Libra. Libra is an air sign that is objective-so is Aquarius! This is a good day for making decisions, art endeavors, literary pursuits and making decisions! Lots of swift intuition!
Saturn is in Sagittarius and in good aspect to the Moon giving emotional stability, clarity and harmony!
Have a great day!
Ann (206) 286-1944
Thursday, February 5, 2015
Moon in Virgo Pallas Athene in Sagittarius
Happy Friday! Today the Moon will be in peaceful Virgo all day! The Moon squares Pallas Athene indicating some clash with taking care of others and taking time for yourself~you be the judge what to do! As the day passes the Moon will square Galactic Center. If you have some feedback on what this was like please comment. Galactic Center is a relatively new discovery and we are all figuring it out!
...........And in other astrology news your talent level is high today and it may be easier to make decisions Saturday if you can wait until then! Have a great day!
Ann Combs
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
Virgo Moon
Thursday: Today the Moon will be in smart, talented, practical Virgo all day. You can multitask and make connections easily! Have a good one! Ann Combs
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Moon in Leo and Virgo
Wednesday: Things are winding down some after the full Moon. The Moon will be in good aspect to the center of our galaxy giving a home sweet home feeling. The Moon will be in Leo until 9:47 P.M; Pacific time then go into loves harmony and peace of mind Virgo! Have a great day! My readings rock! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Monday, February 2, 2015
Full Moon Tuesday
Full Moon Tuesday! Today is the full Moon at 3:10 P.M! This Full Moon is about romance, friendship and balance. Full Moons are high energy and it's a good idea to not overdo it physically. It's a good day to rest and let the love blossom. Your creativity level is high and you may have new ideas how to make your future brighter and to fulfill your wishes! Projects may come to fruition, impasses break up and good times happen-yay!
Ann Combs
Sunday, February 1, 2015
The Full Moon
For Monday: The Moon is very full and will peak Tuesday at 3:10 P.M.Pacific Time. Today is full of possibilities and the Moon will be in the sign of Cancer until 9:42 A.M then flame into devoted Leo. Both signs are romantic and loving! Have a great day!
Ann Combs
Saturday, January 31, 2015
Moon in Cancer
For Shining Sunday: Today the Moon is getting super full and high energy! The Moon will be in the sign of deepest soul based connections (Cancer) all day! The full Moon will be Tue; 3:10 P.M; Pacific Time. Have a good one!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, January 30, 2015
Moon in Cancer paired with Jupiter's North Node
For Saturday: Today the Moon will be in the deepest sign of them all Cancer. You are aligned with your deepest happiness! You are also aligned with your deepest fears so it's a good idea to take some time for yourself and get some positive perspective. Walking, swimming, creating cool things and spending time with the ones you love are some of the ways you can positively express yourself!
Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Moon in Gemini and Cancer
Fantastic Friday! What a beautiful Moon rise tonight! The Moon will be in light yet deep Gemini all day until 11:10 P.M; Pacific Time then go into loves to snug up at home Cancer! All day the Moon will be opposite the center of our Galaxy emphasizing learning, communicating and mind expansion as well as good luck! Have a fun day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Moon in Gemini
Lucky Thursday: Today the Moon will be in Gemini all day and in an excellent relationship to both lucky stars (Sun and Jupiter.) This is good for rocketing ahead in your life! Friendship, love and home are all highlighted! Have a wonderful time!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944 P.S. If you like my blog please tell your friends-thank you!
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Moon in Taurus and Gemini!
For Wednesday Pacific Time: Today the Moon will be in Taurus until 2:37 P.M; then fly into Gemini. The Moon is getting some good energy from the planet they thought was an asteroid Vesta-fanning good feelings and making developing your creative fire fun! Considerable enjoyment of home, too! Have a really good day!
Ann Combs
Monday, January 26, 2015
Moon in Taurus!
For Tuesday: Today the Moon continues her stay in sweet Taurus. This is a day when it goes simple, easy and pleasurable! There is a good trine to Pluto and you can feel your connection to those you truly care about! Have a great day!
Ann (206) 286-1944
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Moon in Aries and Taurus
For Jan. 26th, Pacific Time: Twice the Love Monday: Today is ruled by the sweet Moon and the luck is extra good for two reasons. First the Moon is in exaltation (in Taurus starting at 8:38 A.M) which means that the Moon is in a super compatible sign with it's nature. Secondly the Moon is growing fuller and that's lucky too! So today the good energies have made a fantastic combination and this is true for everyone-emotional pleasure! The other sweet planet-Venus is in Aquarius giving genius, enjoyment of singing, art, astrology and good times with friends!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Saturday, January 24, 2015
Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Aries!
25th: This is a lightning fast combination! The Moon is paired with Uranus giving genius and intuition! You could easily hear from someone you care about from out of the blue! The Sun in Aquarius is about your hopes and dreams-time to go big! Have a GREAT DAY! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Friday, January 23, 2015
Moon in Pisces and Aries!
For the 24th: The Mon will be in Pisces until 5:33 A.M; here on the West Coast! Then will transition in Aries. Pisces is a great Moon for finishing things and Aries is all about new beginnings. Both signs are spiritual, good at taking charge and have a lot of faith. Have a great day! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Moon in Pisces!
23rd: Happy Friday! The Moon is in sweet Pisces all day! This is a good day for dancing, writing, doing things to make the world a better place for animals and spiritual practice! Pisces is the sign of bliss! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Moon in Aquairus, Pisces and in good aspect to Galactic Center!
22nd: Today the Moon will be in Aquarius then transition into loves to dance to the music Pisces! There is a positive alignment to the center of our galaxy-known as the Galactic Center! Today there is genius and harmony. Originality is also accentuated-good day for the "big things!" My readings rock! Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Moon in Aquarius and Growing Fuller!
The Moon will be in the friendly sign of Aquarius all day! Mercury will go retrograde through Feb. 11th. There may be illusions with the retrograde but that can be good for creative work right? A smart time to double check all facts! Have a great day!
Ann Combs (206) 286-1944
Monday, January 19, 2015
New Moon in Aquarius!
For Tuesday, Jan. 20th, 2015: Today the Sun and Moon pair up and this is good for a fresh start! The Sun and Moon will be making the lucky sextile to Saturn giving clarity of mind. Your thoughts are both electrical and intuitive (Aquarius) and wise (Saturn.) Aquarius is about your hopes and dreams. This is the day to go forward!
Have a great one!
Ann Combs(206) 286-1944
Moon in Capricorn
Today the Moon will be in top of the tree Capricorn all day! The Moon will pair with passionate Pluto and you can effortlessly feel your connection to those you will love forever! Your level of will power is high and this is a good day to use your intuition and plan! The new Moon is Jan. 20th 5:15 A.M; Pacific Time!
Have a great day!
Ann (206) 286-1944
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