Thanks for all your great feedback!
Jan. 17th-the Moon is now in rulership which means she's in the sign of Cancer which she rules. The Moon is happy here and able to align with her natural depth, love, happiness, emotional intelligence, psychic ability and sweetness-beautiful indeed!
The Moon is opposite Pluto giving tension, power swings and possible fruition of a relationship for good or ill.
The Moon is also sextile Neptune-planet of unconditional love and happiest consciousness! Great for spiritual advancement, enjoying the ocean, promotes genius and is very perceptive! :D
The Moon is also square Jupiter and Uranus giving us a lot of get up and go! :D
Tue; the 18th-the Moon is still in Cancer and is now squaring Saturn. This is a tough square and can indicate conflicts between home and career and between love and what's fair. Can show you what's working and what's not and this isn't always pleasant-but can ultimately be helpful-we still have the rulership pluses during this square!
As the day progresses we get closer to the Moon trining Jupiter and Uranus which is a rare treat and an amazingly positive one! Great for intuiting the future and for anything of a large or humanitarian nature!
Wed; We have a beautiful trine between the Moon and Jupiter+Uranus! This deserves an entire paragraph as to the good feelings, good luck and health perks!
The full Moon is at 1:22 P.M. Pacific time. One of the most active, energetic full Moons and can be one of the luckiest. Downside: can provoke over activity including insomnia. Upside: good for self employment, career, money, real estate, profound accomplishments!
2:17 P.M. The Moon goes into sunny Leo!
Book update: Have written 110,000 words and look forward to having it published!
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